A Moment of Christmas:

25 December Devotions for Moms

It’s my prayer that we moms will make room for the peace and fullness of joy this season is meant to exude. I want my children to see me making room for Him in my inn, even amidst the to-do list.

Whether it’s at the beginning of the day (before kids and life demand) or at the end of a long day before finally collapsing into bed – whenever you take a moment for yourself, I pray you allow the peace of the season to wash over you.

Pumpkin Spice For Your Soul:

25 Devotions for Autumn

Autumn is the perfect time to take back the reins of our self-care intentions. To pause and actually care for ourselves, spending time focusing on that which truly fills our hearts and cares for our souls.

Each day includes Scripture, devotions, prayer, reflection questions to ponder throughout your day, and an “extra shot” — inspiring quotes, recipes, and fun autumn ideas — like espresso for your soul! You'll also find lined pages for your own autumn reflections, nine of Anna's favorite autumn recipes, and and a bonus devotion for the start of Advent.

It's my prayer that the pause found on these pages would help you savor this fleeting and favored season. 

Hooked on Holiday Movies 2019!

Hooked on Holiday Movies 2019!

What I’ve Gained From Losing 53 lbs

What I’ve Gained From Losing 53 lbs

Their Perspective From the Floor

Their Perspective From the Floor

On That Which Goes Unspoken

On That Which Goes Unspoken

The 2018 Hooked on Holiday Movies Bundle is Here!

The 2018 Hooked on Holiday Movies Bundle is Here!

Meet Anna

Anna E. Rendell: Author, latte lover. Content Marketing Manager at (in)courage by DaySpring. Wife of Jared and mom of four littles. Telling real stories from real life, and encouraging you to find the extra in your ordinary.


The Christmas Couch!

My Favorite Things:

DaySpring New Fall Magazine
Encouragement to your inbox

Encouragement to your inbox

Whether here on the blog, over on Facebook and Instagram, or in one of my books, I share about the extraordinary ordinary found in being a wife, mom, and woman. I'd really like to share a cup of coffee over a picket fence in our backyard, so that's how I write. Join me at the fence? I'll send you an occasional email when a blog post goes live or a book releases. By the way, you can read my privacy policy here: annarendell.com/privacy.

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