by Anna | Apr 24, 2020 | at (in)courage, books, encouragement for moms
I’m pleased as punch to introduce you to my latest project — this time, in partnership with (in)courage! A Mother’s Love: Celebrating Every Kind of Mom, is now here. And adorable. I compiled and edited this book almost exactly a year ago, and now...
by Anna | Jul 4, 2017 | at (in)courage
While not anywhere near the entanglement of modern day slavery, there is definitely a culture of enslavement right here in the free world. We are bound, all right. Maybe with proverbial chains, but nonetheless these shackles are our reality: Fear. Low self worth....
by Anna | May 28, 2017 | at (in)courage
I haven’t watched a full broadcast of the 10 o’clock news in years. It seemed to me that each night, the news became darker, more saturated with gloom and despair and evil. And there came a point where I decided that I just wouldn’t watch any longer. I do read...
by Anna | Aug 17, 2016 | at (in)courage, recipes
Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty...
by Anna | Mar 21, 2016 | at (in)courage
When I read Priscilla’s words on Sabbath in “Fervent” on idols, on motivation and agenda, my heart sank a bit as the truth rose to the surface. My mind flashed to a scene that repeats itself far too often in my real life: A cooing baby girl in her...
by Anna | Feb 6, 2016 | at (in)courage, lifeblog
Two months ago I had a baby girl. She’s my third child and our second girl, and in my twelve weeks as a mom of three I’ve learned more than I have in all my 33 years, like: I can do almost anything while nursing a baby, I need less sleep to function than I thought,...
by Anna | Nov 25, 2015 | at (in)courage
The seeking of perfection can suck the joy from our souls if we allow it space in our hearts. The first Christmas was less than perfect, yet it was glorious. It was the greatest mix of holy and human. There was straw, shepherds, and a star. There were hard hearts, new...
by Anna | Oct 26, 2015 | at (in)courage
The trees know winter is coming, and they’re preparing for it from the inside out. I’m not quite sure how to process this knowledge that the trees have, but it feels important, kind of enormous. The trees flourish even (mostly?) in their dying. God has built Truth and...
by Anna | Sep 19, 2015 | at (in)courage
I may be a bit of a summertime Scrooge, but it feels like my family got slighted a bit this year with all the house craziness and pregnant mama chaos. I missed moments, entire days wiped out by fluster. My husband and I went on exactly two dates, and there was no...
by Anna | Aug 28, 2015 | at (in)courage
. . . This is grace, an invitation to be beautiful . . . We are invited, each of us, to be beautiful. To see and seek beauty in our everyday, in each other. And so our charge is not how to become more beautiful, but to ask instead: how can I add to the beauty? Does...
by Anna | Jun 24, 2015 | at (in)courage
I’ve heard the “wait till you’re ready” argument used for getting married, buying a home, changing careers, and having or not having children. These are huge things! Of course there are financial matters to consider. Of course there are steps to take before diving...
by Anna | May 22, 2015 | at (in)courage
Even at three years old, I want my son to know that God always, always hears us. In the every-moment chatter. In the impassioned and pleading, tear-filled prayers. In the muttered-under-our-breath asks for patience. In the silent moments when the Spirit intercedes for...