A Moment of Christmas:

25 December Devotions for Moms

It’s my prayer that we moms will make room for the peace and fullness of joy this season is meant to exude. I want my children to see me making room for Him in my inn, even amidst the to-do list.

Whether it’s at the beginning of the day (before kids and life demand) or at the end of a long day before finally collapsing into bed – whenever you take a moment for yourself, I pray you allow the peace of the season to wash over you.

Pumpkin Spice For Your Soul:

25 Devotions for Autumn

Autumn is the perfect time to take back the reins of our self-care intentions. To pause and actually care for ourselves, spending time focusing on that which truly fills our hearts and cares for our souls.

Each day includes Scripture, devotions, prayer, reflection questions to ponder throughout your day, and an “extra shot” — inspiring quotes, recipes, and fun autumn ideas — like espresso for your soul! You'll also find lined pages for your own autumn reflections, nine of Anna's favorite autumn recipes, and and a bonus devotion for the start of Advent.

It's my prayer that the pause found on these pages would help you savor this fleeting and favored season. 

Introducing… my new book.

Introducing… my new book.

I wrote another book. It's been as much a surprise to me as it may be to you, and it's done. In my hands. ANOTHER BOOK. It's my favorite project yet. I was so excited when we picked it up today that I dragged my whole family to our favorite little lake to take...

My One Word for 2018

My One Word for 2018

I'm coming off a Hallmark Christmas movie bender. You guys, I'm pretty sure that between Halloween and New Year's Day I watched FORTY NEW HOLIDAY MOVIES. I'm not even sorry. (It was for WORK. Kind of. OK it was for Facebook live videos with my friend. WHATEVER. 'twas...

The Choice We Need to Make This Week

The Choice We Need to Make This Week

I've been doing quite a bit of speaking this season, to church groups and moms groups and groups of parents. As I've prepared the talks for each gathering, I've realized that I am a perfectionist. You could say I’m a perfectionist in recovery, but yeah, I totally tend...

Hey, Cool Mom at Target:

Hey, Cool Mom at Target:

Hey, cool mom at Target, I saw you today, with your adorable little one in her bonnet. I'm partial to bonnets myself - nothing sweeter on a baby than a ruffly little bonnet! Anyways, I saw that sweetie pie bat her eyelashes at you and then totally. lose. her. stuff....

On Going Back to School

On Going Back to School

Three weeks ago, we started school. Like real school. Kindergarten. You guys remember praying for that little baby we so badly wanted six years ago? NOW HE IS IN REAL SCHOOL. With bells and a teacher and little desks and lunch in the cafeteria and gym class and the...

Suit Up, Girls.

Suit Up, Girls.

While not anywhere near the entanglement of modern day slavery, there is definitely a culture of enslavement right here in the free world. We are bound, all right. Maybe with proverbial chains, but nonetheless these shackles are our reality: Fear. Low self worth....

The Ministry of Presence {at (in)courage}

The Ministry of Presence {at (in)courage}

I haven’t watched a full broadcast of the 10 o’clock news in years. It seemed to me that each night, the news became darker, more saturated with gloom and despair and evil. And there came a point where I decided that I just wouldn’t watch any longer. I do read...

Meet Anna

Anna E. Rendell: Author, latte lover. Content Marketing Manager at (in)courage by DaySpring. Wife of Jared and mom of four littles. Telling real stories from real life, and encouraging you to find the extra in your ordinary.


The Christmas Couch!

My Favorite Things:

DaySpring New Fall Magazine

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