on surgery {a quick update}

My friends. When I wrote that post on Tuesday night, fraught with feeling so much all at once, you were there. You left comments and texted me and wrote emails and DM’s on twitter. You said you’d pray, that you were sorry, that this was miserable. You...

on being in pain

–this post includes TMI about my hooha. don’t say I didn’t warn you.– I have to be honest with you, friends – I’m not doing awesome. My body has had trouble healing from birthing my baby boy, with his 14inch head. I haven’t...

on being (in)RealLife

This weekend, I went to a virtual beach house with nearly 30 other women. We savored chocolate cupcakes and drank hot coffee. We put our feet up, scooted together on couches, shared blankets, laughed and cried. ———- Every day, posts from (in)courage...


And in the blink of an eye, it’s been two weeks. I miss you guys. And writing here. Sigh.———-One of the many things that no one can teach you before your baby arrives is that you will now have to make constant choices. I’m not talking...

you’re already amazing

The book sat in my ‘to-read’ pile, first on the nightstand, then on a weathered apple crate beside my old yellow desk. “I’ll get to it soon”, I told myself confidently, ignoring the twitch of my heart; I didn’t really want to get to...

Sunday Simplicity: palm sunday

The people gave him a wonderful welcome, some throwing their coats on the street, others spreading out rushes they had cut in the fields. Running ahead and following after, they were calling out, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in God’s name! Blessed the coming...

thanks, an admission, and playing outside

Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement and praise that you left on my last post. You blessed me. The concept of Sam being miniscule and strong, and my grandpa going into fullness of life at the same time has floored me since I realized its occurrence. God,...


**warning: this post contains pictures, raw and beautiful, of my grandpa as he was dying** A year ago this week, my dear grandpa went Home. I held his hand and sobbed with my husband as grandpa’s soul left the shell his body had become. Grandpa had celebrated...

everyday miracles

My friends at LoveFeast Table are having a party today to celebrate their new Gathered Thoughts box, and I’m one of the ‘hostesses’. Join us at the table! I can’t help but drink in my new baby boy. His fingers, toes, belly button, round tongue,...

on real friends, in real life {inRL2012}

During the childrens sermon, in my white patent leather Mary Janes, I solemnly listened as the pastor spoke. ‘Friends’, he said, ‘are from the Lord. Today, just ask someone to be your friend. It’s that easy!’ And everyone knows that if a...

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