On the Difference One Letter Makes {an (in)courage post}

I have lost two babies. Jesus held them before I did and I will miss them for all of my days. At some point during both of these periods of loss, I was told – with the sincerest of hearts and the sweetest of comforting intentions – that God wouldn’t give me more than...
on Five Minute Friday: fill

on Five Minute Friday: fill

Linking up with Five Minute Friday at it’s new home in Kate Motaung‘s place. Yay, Kate! =) The rules: write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. Hop over to Kate’s to find out the full scoop behind FMF, and to visit other...

on Writing From and For the Heart

As I enter my seventh year of blogging (seriously. I’m like a bloggy dinosaur), I realize that I’ve learned a lot about it. I’ve learned how to write for my audience. I’ve learned how to create a pinnable graphic. I’ve learned what [I think] makes a good blog post or...

On Five Minute Friday: belong

Linking up again with Five Minute Friday at the lovely Lisa-Jo Baker‘s {but this week we’re at my friend Crystal’s place!}.The rules: write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. Hop over to her place to find out the full scoop...
on Josie girl at two (and a half) months

on Josie girl at two (and a half) months

This lovely girl of mine is just perfection. I can’t get enough of her squishy cheeks and sweet personality! She is such a content, happy, sweet baby girl. Baby J is just a gem and I adore her. Clothing size: 3-month Length: 22.5″ Weight: 13.5 lbs Head:...

On Goals and Why I Need to Set Some

While I was pregnant, I worried about transitioning to two children. I work from home, and while it’s a huge blessing (especially while nursing!) it’s also difficult. Even without kids in the house, I constantly see dishes and projects and to-do’s...
On Finding Freedom in Our Stories {an (in)courage post}

On Finding Freedom in Our Stories {an (in)courage post}

I don’t know your story. Maybe it’s one of pain, twists and unexpected turns. Maybe it’s all roses and sparkles. Most likely it’s a combination of the two – joy and pain all mingled together. Your stories could include things that are too painful for you to speak of,...

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