by Anna | Mar 21, 2016 | at (in)courage
When I read Priscilla’s words on Sabbath in “Fervent” on idols, on motivation and agenda, my heart sank a bit as the truth rose to the surface. My mind flashed to a scene that repeats itself far too often in my real life: A cooing baby girl in her...
by Anna | Oct 21, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
As we begin the hustle and bustle of the holidays (it just occurred to me that I have to finish my kids’ Halloween costumes + treats this week so they can wear them to school on Monday. Entering the hustle.), prayer can center our hearts. Prayer can deepen our...
by Anna | May 22, 2015 | at (in)courage
Even at three years old, I want my son to know that God always, always hears us. In the every-moment chatter. In the impassioned and pleading, tear-filled prayers. In the muttered-under-our-breath asks for patience. In the silent moments when the Spirit intercedes for...
by Anna | Apr 11, 2013 | lifeblog
I want to fill this new shiny space with joy, only sweetness, all things pink and sugary. I have a book review due two hours ago and a cookbook review&giveaway slated for two days ago. There are adorable pictures from our Easter Sunday waiting to be uploaded, and...
by Anna | May 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
–this post includes TMI about my hooha. don’t say I didn’t warn you.– I have to be honest with you, friends – I’m not doing awesome. My body has had trouble healing from birthing my baby boy, with his 14inch head. I haven’t...
by Anna | May 12, 2010 | lifeblog
Infertility. It even LOOKS scary, that word just sitting alone up there. Yesterday, my husband and I went to a new doctor. We waited all fidgety in the waiting room, then were shown into a small exam room with a picture of 3 kids surrounding their moms’ very...
by Anna | May 12, 2010 | Uncategorized
Infertility.It even LOOKS scary, that word just sitting alone up there. Yesterday, husby and I went to a new doctor. We waited all fidgety in the waiting room, then were shown into a small exam room with a picture of 3 kids surrounding their moms’ very pregnant...