I may be a bit of a summertime Scrooge, but it feels like my family got slighted a bit this year with all the house craziness and pregnant mama chaos. I missed moments, entire days wiped out by fluster. My husband and I went on exactly two dates, and there was no family vacation taken.
Honestly, I thought I’d already written this post, that it must be more of a theme in my life than I’d previously thought. But searching my own archives leads me to a dead end; these words must feel familiar only because they’ve been so long in my heart.
The idea of calm in chaos is fascinating to me, and necessary to my heart. We don’t have to steal away to a week-long retreat for calm to invade the chaos of our everyday, but we need to claim calm, not just find it. If God promises peace and stillness, how can we CLAIM that peace, that stillness, even in the middle of an everyday ordinary life?
Join me on (in)courage today for three ways to claim calm in your everyday.
I went to InCourage to read the rest of this piece. I love you friend! Praying for calm in the midst of the everyday for you! So much THIS: “This summer flew by too fast, and I refuse to allow autumn to do the same. I may not treasure each moment like I could, but I will claim the calm spaces and allow them to help my heart breathe.”