on Advent calendars – a guest post by…

… Husby! =) He wrote this for our monthly feature on the Vibrant Faith @ Home blog, and I loved it. So I’m sharing a bit of it with you here. His words were a balm for me, as this month I’ve wanted nothing more than to cancel life and steep in Advent...

on keeping the calm in Christmas

After receiving so many responses to this post, I thought perhaps we could all use a few ideas on how to actually and practically seek & find Him amidst the busy. Below are a few things I feel help me keep the calm throughout the crazy. ps – I love you guys....

on finding the calm in Christmas

Two weeks before Christmas, and an empty, undecorated tree stands lonely in the corner. A small pile of gifts are unwrapped, tucked away in a cupboard from peeking eyes. The kitchen is somewhere beneath itself, as mice decided to move in for a night and now the...

on The Boy at 23 months

I haven’t done a monthly update in, well, months, so I thought I’d pop in with his 23 month update. Since the next one will not be in months but in years. WHAT?! The Boy is growing and learning and talking and running. Fast. And talking a lot. Just today,...

on Hometown Christmas: a Gooseberry Patch review & giveaway!

I decided this weekend that during the month of November, I am going to physically prepare for Christmas. Not like the crazy Target lady in the ads (remember her?), but rather my home, my calendar, my shopping list, etc. I want to be able to spend Advent preparing my...

on seeing myself {and the photos that got me there}

I was able to slide into a last minute headshot slot last month at the Allume conference. I had just cut bangs, and my last headshot was over a year old, so in general I thought it would be worth a $20 update. Today the photos were made available for download, and I...

on Redemptive Sloppy Joes {a Gooseberry Patch recipe}

The seasons, they are a-changin’ round these parts. Temperatures have been in the 30’s and 40’s, the sun is setting around 5:00, and tomorrow is supposed to bring real snow! So it’s a cozy food kind of week, starting out with these BBQ/sloppy...

on choosing joy {a simply honest #girlwithbaby update}

So. Like a month ago, I was all, ‘The Boy’s going to be a big brother!! K bye.’ And then crickets from me about it. I could tell you it’s been busy, which is true. I could tell you how I got the flu and was in bed for a week, and how I still...

on Five Minute Friday: together

**written freely on the iPad from the Allume conference.** Linking up again with Five Minute Friday at the lovely Lisa-Jo Baker‘s.The rules: write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.Hop over to her place to find out the full scoop...

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