by Anna | Jun 25, 2015 | lifeblog
17 weeks. Along we go! On our way to three babies. I think we’re still trying to wrap our minds around it all, and aside from hoping the sickness fades quickly, we are just so very excited we can’t stand it. I haven’t done any kind of update for you...
by Anna | Apr 17, 2014 | lifeblog
So I’m almost done being pregnant. I can’t even… The next time I post an update it could be about baby, while I’m holding him or her. UNREAL. Symptoms: – Contractions: more in the evening. Enough to take my breath away, but can talk/walk...
by Anna | Feb 21, 2014 | lifeblog
Oh my. Single digit weeks, people. SINGLE DIGIT weeks until we meet this baby. Because it’s actually nearing 31 weeks now. Oh my. This week, after our 30 week doctor appointment, we stopped at Babies ‘r’ Us. I’ve been having some intense pubic...
by Anna | Jan 16, 2014 | lifeblog
It’s absolutely mind-blowing how quickly this pregnancy is going. We have less than 4 months left! I’m pretty sure I haven’t done an update since 14 weeks, when I was petrified something was going to go wrong with our baby. I’m not as scared...