by Anna | Oct 16, 2013 | recipes
Husby made these one night when I was particularly sick and un-interested in food, but The Boy was saying, ‘Eat! Eat! I need to eat!’ So we thought dinner was probably in order. He put these together in no time and they were really good. I can see...
by Anna | Oct 15, 2013 | recipes
We love pancakes in this house. And add pumpkin… bigger love. So it was only right to make the very first recipe in the whole Hometown Harvest cookbook =) It made a nice big batch, and we have a couple bags full in the freezer. Helpful hint: did you know you can...
by Anna | Oct 4, 2013 | lifeblog
It’s October. Fall is more than officially here. Which makes my heart pretty much palpitate with joy =) I love, love, love fall {you knew that}! The chill in the air, boot weather arriving, spicy candles burning, fires in the fireplace or a chilly bonfire...
by Anna | Aug 20, 2013 | lifeblog
Every Easter, we’d get up at the crack of dawn and dress fancy. Since mom was the choir director at church, we had to be there early early. While it felt too early to eat breakfast (you know how your stomach feels kind of sour when you’re up before dawn?),...
by Anna | Aug 13, 2013 | lifeblog
Just a quick little recipe for your midweek! It’s from Gooseberry Patch’s new 101 Stovetop Suppers (which you can enter to win a copy of here!) Keeping it simple because I have a toddler who doesn’t sleep well, a board meeting for work tomorrow,...
by Anna | Apr 16, 2013 | recipes
Soup is, perhaps, the ultimate comfort food. When one feels ill, soup. On a rainy or chilly day, soup. For heartbreak, soup. And so it was that last night, the only thing on my mind for supper was soup. All is not right in the world. When bombs explode. When we...
by Anna | Feb 12, 2013 | lifeblog
OK, I promised another side dish recipe. This one got my mother – not a squash fan – to say, ‘I didn’t even hate it!’ =) Hi mom! It makes me look forward to this summer and fall, when our neighborhood farmers market will be heavy with...
by Anna | Feb 10, 2013 | lifeblog
I’m terribly boring when it comes to side dishes. I tend to choose from a handful of default options: frozen green vegetable, brown rice, green salad, couscous… the end. So I knew I had to try a couple sides from Gooseberry Patch’s Weeknight Dinners,...
by Anna | Feb 7, 2013 | lifeblog
Here in Minnesota, we’ve gotten snow every single day this week, which totally thrills me! I love snow. Love it. Doesn’t matter what time of day it snows, it gives me Christmas morning feeling. Is there anything better than cozying up by the fireplace,...
by Anna | Feb 6, 2013 | lifeblog
This is one new-to-us main dish that we’re loving these days: We were too busy eating to remember to snap a single picture. Busy-Night Taco Bake Gooseberry Patch 1lb ground beef 1-1/4 oz. pkg. taco seasoning (I used my homemade seasoning) 3/4 c. water 6 6-inch...
by Anna | Jun 25, 2012 | lifeblog
Tonight I made a gigantic mess of the kitchen. GI-GAN-TIC. I made three recipes from two cookbooks, and steamed veggies to make baby food at the same time. On the stove we had fried chicken going, a pot steaming carrots and then apples, cinnamon apples in another pot,...
by Anna | Jun 8, 2012 | lifeblog
This was a super simple addition to our grilled pork chop supper last week. See, you can make harvest recipes even when it’s 80* outside! =) Asparagus Bundlesfrom the Harvest Table,by Gooseberry Patchone bunch thin asparagus spears, trimmed to 6inches1-2 T....