cleanoutcloset (2)Something about fall gives me cleaning fever. Also the ‘throw out all the things’ fever. This year will be especially interesting: house formerly on the market + garage full of ‘extra’ things + a 33-week pregnant nesting mama = gear up, Husby. We’re getting rid of all the things.

This tip could be overwhelming, but oh, it could also be so satisfying:

Clean out your closets. Gather the things that are in great shape but that you don’t absolutely love, and donate them. Allow yourself only a small pile (read: 5 articles) of clothing that are in the ‘someday’ category. Enter fall, continue through the start of winter, and begin the New Year lightened, simplified, & blessing others.

Helpful places to start:



Enter fall, start winter, and begin the New Year lightened, simplified, & blessing others. <– tweet this!

Gather things that are in great shape but that you don’t absolutely love, and donate them. <– tweet this! 

Pin for later:

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This post is part of my 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season series. Make sure to subscribe via email and follow this Pinterest board (it will have each post + graphic as they go live) so you don’t miss a single post!

31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season!

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Anna Rendell
cleanoutcloset (2)
cleanoutcloset (1)
31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season!
DaySpring New Fall Magazine