Maternity Stitch Fix -ing a 20-week Baby Bump

Maternity Stitch Fix -ing a 20-week Baby Bump

Last week I stood in front of my closet and threw things onto the floor. The piles of clothes grew much as I’m doing as I grow this baby. I’m tired of weeping in my bedroom, Sunday mornings ruined because of my vanity and a closet-full of clothes that...
On the Grace in Beauty

On the Grace in Beauty

A few weeks ago I got asked when I was due. I smiled and kindly said, I’m not. And you know, my feelings weren’t very hurt because frankly, I didn’t blame the person who asked because if I’m honest, my belly looks poochy enough to be holding a...
On the Kind of Friend I Want My Daughter to Have

On the Kind of Friend I Want My Daughter to Have

Last week some friends of mine were talking about their first and second grade daughters, specifically the nitty-gritty of the girls’ friendships. They said their girls will tell them that one day they’re best friends with so-and-so, but the next day they the...

On Five Minute Friday: belong

Linking up again with Five Minute Friday at the lovely Lisa-Jo Baker‘s {but this week we’re at my friend Crystal’s place!}.The rules: write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. Hop over to her place to find out the full scoop...

on a dishrag kind of day & the friend who turned it around

Someone made my day this week. After a difficult weekend involving a no-napping toddler Boy, two vehicles that died immediately {literally. backing out of the parking spot} after we returned a (non-dead) leased car, mice in the lower level of our home, and big...

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