Then will the eyes of the blind be opened
and the ears of the deaf unstopped.
Then will the lame leap like a deer,
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
The burning sand will become a pool,
the thirsty ground bubbling springs.

Isaiah 35:6-7

That day in my half-packed, running out of groceries, crumb-covered kitchen, God gave me a stream. A cool, refreshing oasis in a parched land of daily tasks that had dried out my soul. He used twenty minutes of simple meal preparation to create a pool in the burning sand of my heart.

It’s interesting that in this passage, God doesn’t refer to geysers, oceans, lakes, rivers or even ponds. He says stream, pool, and bubbling springs — all serene, tranquil images of small bodies of water. The dictionary tells us a lot, as it defines a stream as:

1. a small, narrow river
2. a continuous flow of liquid, air, or gas.
“Small and narrow” tells us that God doesn’t need much to make much. He works with us, friends! While it would be amazing to have a weekly day at the spa (or sometimes even just a long hot shower), let’s be honest: it’s not happening.

But ours is a God who makes much of our small offerings.

A few minutes of quiet solo worship can become a chorus. Our chapel can become His cathedral.

I’m at (in)courage today with a story of the peaceful moment God brought me right in the middle of my messy kitchen. Here’s the recipe I made and referred to in the post:

Slow-Cooker Apple Cinnamon Oats

1 1/2 C. water
1 1/2 C. milk (I like to use almond milk)
3 C. steel cut oats
2 medium apples, peeled and chopped
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 Tbsp. maple syrup (the real stuff!!)
2 Tbsp. ground flax seed

Coat inside of slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray, or use a slow cooker liner.

Add all ingredients in their listed order; mix well. Cook for 5-6 hours on low, or 2-3 on high (but be careful – this stuff burns easily)

This makes a huge batch, so I put it into a 9×13 glass pan, cover it, and keep it in the fridge. In the morning I just scoop out the amount we need and microwave it. Simple, healthy and hearty breakfast for my whole family all week? DONE.

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Anna Rendell
Slow-Cooker Apple Cinnamon Oats |
DaySpring New Fall Magazine