Wrapping Paper-buy what you love!

Every year I fall prey to wrapping paper leftovers. The stuff I don’t really love, that I’m kind of sick of, that’s a little bit crinkled but it’s still good so I have to use it up!! And then I get sad when I see patterns that I love in the store, because I feel too guilty to buy new rolls when there are perfectly good rolls at home.


Tis the season of joy, friends, and that includes the littlest things. Why spend HOURS wrapping and staring at patterns that deplete or bring on guilt? I know. It’s wrapping paper. So not a big deal. But if we take the time to set the precedent of only bringing items that we treasure into our home, and if we start with the littlest of things, we’ll start to build muscle memory – the idea will start to shift our hearts and actions. So start with wrapping paper.

  1. Buy patterns you really LIKE. You’re going to spend a lot of time staring at this stuff, so make sure it’s pleasing to you!
  2. Purchase several smaller rolls of paper with a pattern intended for each family member. Or one for your immediate family, one for extended family, one for friends/teachers/etc. Makes for a fun scene under the tree!
  3. This year, I’m going to buy a fun pattern wrap for my kids gifts, and brown paper wrap for the rest. It’s what I want to do every year but have too much ‘waste guilt’ over not using what I already have. So I’ll be donating my current stash to my MOPS group as we pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, and starting over in my own home!

What do you use for wrapping paper?
There are so many fun options, ideas and ways to make gifts festive –
leave your best tips here!

This post is part of my 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season series. Make sure to subscribe via email and follow this Pinterest board (it will have each post + graphic as they go live) so you don’t miss a single post!


31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season! girlwithblog.com

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Anna Rendell
Wrapping Paper-buy what you love!
31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season! girlwithblog.com
DaySpring New Fall Magazine