Our family has been known to give donations as our main gifts to each other, and to our extended family. We try to find organizations and charities that resonate with our receiver. For instance, one year we found an organization that provides horseback riding lessons to people with special needs, and gave a donation in honor of my horse-loving mother-in-law.
In addition to the whole giving back thing, it’s super convenient to give donations online. Most websites even provide a customizable printable for your recipient. Easy and impactful? Yes please!
Here are a few of my favorites:
Samaritans Purse – Operation Christmas Child
World Vision – Christmas gift catalog
Those are just to name a few – there are SO many wonderful options and opportunities! What are your favorites?
This post is part of my 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season series. Make sure to subscribe via email and follow this Pinterest board (it will have each post + graphic as they go live) so you don’t miss a single post!
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One of my faves is the ELCA Good Gifts program.