1. Fall TV premieres! I do much of my writing at night, sitting on the couch with Husby as we clack away on our keyboards, TV playing in the background. Over the summer this arrangement works just fine. But with new TV seasons beginning, I’m going to have to put away the computer early and settle in to actually pay attention to the telly. Here are the shows I’m looking forward to this season:
- The Muppets
- Castle
- Grey’s Anatomy
- Quantico
What other shows should be on my list?
2. Crockpot cooking. It’s my favorite. There’s nothing simpler, and the fact that you can prep in the am, let it cook all day, and come home to a complete meal and great smelling house? Bring it. Here are a few of my favorite slow-cooker recipes:
3. Candy corn and peanuts together in one bowl. If you like salted nut roll candy bars, this mix is for you. It’s the best for a salty/sweet tooth attack!
4. The feeling of a new start. I’m sure it’s because we always started school in early September, but to me something about the start of fall has more of a clean-slate, fresh beginning feel than New Year’s Day. Every autumn, I want to purge my whole house, start an exercise routine, clean out drawers and throw everything away, deep clean my house, and make goals. Am I the only one with this sickness train of thought?
5. The slightly shorter daylight hours. We’re not at mid-winter darkness by 4:00pm, but we no longer have to draw the drapes in the kids room for their 7:30 bedtime. I like that it’s dark in the earlier evening, with night descending fully by 8. That makes sense to my circadian rhythms.
There you have it. Five fall season non-pumpkin favorites. Do you have any non-traditional fall season loves? Do share!
I wish Call the Midwife started back up again in the fall but I don’t think it begins until Spring.
I love hooded sweatshirts and jeans/sweatpants weather.
I love carmeled apples & the way a good casserole/hot dish.
I love the crunch of the leaves under my feet and the way everything changes color.
I love that fall brings me closer to all things Christmas, winter, and snow.
YES!! I’ve been on pins & needles for a new season of Call the Midwife and Sherlock. Come on, PBS and the BBC – we’re waiting!!
Candy corn and peanuts is one of my weaknesses. Add in a few of the pumpkins and I am a happy gal.
Me too girl, me.too.
The fall season, to me, is better than New Year’s for resetting life. Getting back on a schedule, recommitting to disciplines, and savoring Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I just found your recipe and am SO excited to try!) fuels me from the inside out. I also love lighting the pilot light on our fireplace again so it’s ready to light should the fancy strike.
I am so, totally, 100% with you!! There’s just something about it that begs for a fresh start.
I LOVE me some candy corn and peanuts, the salty and sweet is the best mix!