When you write from the heart, you can’t force words to surface. And so it’s been a week of quiet here, at the fence, but in our home it’s been anything but quiet.
Our house has been listed for weeks now with no offers, zero interest, all negative feedback after showings. It’s been disheartening and I feel quite defeated. I’m 25 weeks pregnant with two other kidlets running amuck. Our dear nanny is heading to college (tomorrow’s her last day with us) and the kids school doesn’t start for three weeks, so we’re a little under water there.
I’m tired just thinking of it all.
So instead of offering words, here’s a glimpse into our week:
Naps. Anytime, anyplace, any way we can get ’em.
Reading, together.
Erasing things from the calendar and keeping chosen margin.
General tomfoolery and joy.
I’ve been reading a few books just for me, back and forthing between Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman, Wild in the Hollow by Amber Haines, and Girl Meets Change by Kristen Strong. I have spent some time with friends, and have been convincing myself to start tooting my own horn a little bit. I’m so looking forward to school starting and rhythm returning and some fresh starts. I’ve been working on our upcoming MOPS year, and uffda, it’s going to be a good one. At 25 weeks pregnant, I’m up to pee eleventythree times at night and am eating all the food. Cannot get enough. You can catch this weeks #realmomconfessions here on Instagram, or come over here on Facebook. After bedtime, Husby and I settle into our couch spots for too many episodes of The West Wing, our latest binge (fabulous!! Cannot recommend it enough) I’ve been trying to make time for showering and makeup wearing, being mindful of the clothes I wear and brushing my hair so that I feel on the outside like I do on the inside.
It’s been a pile of everyday ordinary, but the extraordinary kind. The kind that, if you think about it hard enough, takes your breath away. That’s what we’ve been up to. How have your days been, friends?
Oh friend I love your everyday ordinary and YOU and your beautiful family. Thanks for the reminder to look for that in my own life too. Oh and that pic of you and the kids that Husby snapped…absolute preciousness!!
Thanks for being such a consistent and lovely encouragement, Tara. So love seeing you online!!