Anna Rendell for (in)courage

. . . This is grace, an invitation to be beautiful . . .

We are invited, each of us, to be beautiful. To see and seek beauty in our everyday, in each other. And so our charge is not how to become more beautiful, but to ask instead: how can I add to the beauty?

  • Does this action I’m thinking of taking add to the beauty of today, of this moment?
  • Does this conversation with a friend add to her beauty?
  • Will this tweet add to the beauty of my life and the lives of others, or is it just filler?

I’m tired of filler. I’m ready to seek beauty. I want my daughter to grow up on grace-filled beauty, the kind that has been handed down for generations and through friendships, in every casserole dish brought, tissues slid across church pews and faces saved and hearts spurred onto good. I want my daughter to feel beautiful not because of her long eyelashes and silky skin and chestnut curls, but because of the One who placed beauty deep within her soul long ago outside the Garden.

Join me in talking beauty, today on (in)courage.


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Anna Rendell
Anna Rendell for (in)courage
DaySpring New Fall Magazine