And we’re back. You guys, this week was a doozy. Without all the details, it’s been full of solo parenting, evening commitments, daytime commitments, getting behind on work and sleep, overwhelming good things, but also feeling like everyone else is soaring past with cool things while I struggle to catch up to mine… you know. The usual. I’m hosting two events this weekend and the dog thought this would be a great week to start scratching her fur off in clumps, which is extra fun as the vacuum decided this would be a great week to take a vacay. Again, you know. The usual.

So let’s come together. Let’s share our light and our deep messes, our stories and our fears. I’ll go first.

#realmomconfessions on

1. Yesterday morning came fast after being up with the baby girl for a few midnight hours. I desperately needed wanted a shower, and literally the moment my foot hit the tile that same baby girl woke up. Sam was in my bed playing with my phone, so I asked him to go climb into Josie’s crib and keep her happy while I showered. Oh yes I did.

2. Sometimes I use my babysitter time to take a nap. I literally pay someone to watch my kids so I can close my eyes for a few minutes.

3. We went on a roadtrip for Easter, our first with an underwear-wearing preschooler. He absolutely used the little potty IN THE CAR on the side of the road.

Photo Apr 02, 6 05 02 PM


4. Tonight, amidst a near three-hour bedtime battle of the wills from both children, I decided two things: a) some dreams have to be tabled for a while, because right now I’m living the dream of mothering very small kids and it takes all of my all, and b) HOW in the WHAT do people have more than two kids??? We’re outnumbered with two (well, we were outnumbered with one) and my brain cannot process how one does this with three +.

5. On Easter Sunday I made the kids sit on the sidewalk in 45 degree weather to take pictures. These were the clear winners:

Photo Apr 05, 4 30 34 PM

Your turn. Bring it, mamas, and link up below. I can’t wait – and I need – to hear your stories!!

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