We’ve welcomed
family & friends into our home
new friends into our lives
potty training into our days
I’ve welcomed
a precious baby girl!
sweet, smooshy, baby snuggles
a bigger jean size and sleepless nights
We’ve welcomed
new jobs at new companies (details soon)
new church leadership roles
new colors on the walls of our home
I’ve welcomed
my first eye exam and pair of glasses
my first preschool drop-off
We’ve welcomed
my little boy turning 3…
a lot of Frozen things underfoot…
and little baby ruffles!
2014 has been a year of welcoming. And that’s handy, since my #oneword for the year was welcome. =) I am deeply grateful for each joy, for each laughing fit, for each difficulty, for each tear, for each and every big & little moment of 2014. Here’s to another year of wonder, of worship, of welcome. Happy New Year, friends.