Dear Lord, Thank you for making me a mom. Thank you for allowing me to be in the company of such incredible women. Thank you for what these mothers do, in a day, in a week, in their life of everyday enormity. They are the best women I know, these moms that I get to do life with. Thank you for the way they minister right in the middle of their normal to the ones they live with, to their friends, to me. Give them patience, strength and so much grace. Help us to work together as the village that we are, in step with one another and in friendship & love, not pitted against each other. Help us show our kids what friendship is, what community is, what living life together well looks like.
Thank you, Lord, for the internet, because often that’s where we find each other. It’s where we get to know their kids, where their lunch ideas inspire our own, where we ask and answer questions, where we study Scripture, where we do a little of our life together. Thank you for MOPS groups, for church crying rooms, for carpool lanes, for the PTA, for swim class, for the fast-food playplace, for the park, for the waiting room, for our neighborhood fences, for all the daily places we meet and see and smile at other moms.
Thank you for the moms of all stages – the new moms, the empty nesters, the married moms, the single moms, the women who want to be moms, the adoptive moms, the birth moms, the moms who nurse and the moms who formula feed, the moms who homeschool and the moms who public school, the moms who love crafting and the moms who never have, the moms who cook all meals and the moms who drive-thru. Thank you for the moms who are similar to me. Thank you for the moms who are different than me. I need all of them, and we need each other, and we need You.
Thank you, Lord, for who You are. Thank you for being our constant on this roller-coaster of mothering. Tonight, Lord, give the moms rest and tomorrow, a cup of coffee they’ll get to drink while it’s hot. Thank you for the moms. Amen.
my 31 days of mom prayers has come to an end. but i’ll still be praying for you.
it’s been a difficult and stretching and wonderful month, and this next month
will bring some amazing things.
see you then =)
Anna, thanks so much for this month of prayers. Very meaningful and comforting. I’m a grandmother now, as well as a mom, and I so appreciate your hard work in bringing us these much needed prayers.
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Deb!! I am so glad the prayers were meaningful to you.