
She smiled at me!! Last Thursday (so technically she was already five weeks old. Whatever.) A big ol’ gummy grin. It was wonderful. Since then she’s given daddy little smiles, and MorMor got a big one tonight.

She loves to do tummy time on her parents – that makes it tummy time for both of us! =) Josie loves being outside, just like her brother, so we spend a lot of time on the screen porch (which makes big brother very happy). She’s quite strong, doing little baby pushups on our chests and lifting her head to look around.


Nursing got off to a rough start, but it’s getting better. Before she was a day old, I had asked three nurses and a lactation consultant to check her latch. I said it felt shallow and it hurt me horribly. They all – ALL! – said it was fine, just me adjusting. Well. I asked a friend Veronica at BabyLove to take a peek, and she said Josie had tongue and lip ties. She got us an appointment at a local pediatric dentist specializing in ties; in the meantime, since I was in such pain (we’re talking open cracks and sores) we saw another lactation consultant and another dentist. Both of them said Josie didn’t have any ties – we just had to adjust our latch. =/ Finally, when we got to the second dentist, she said Josie did have both lip and tongue ties. Not severe ones, and she wasn’t positive that releasing them would help with nursing. We decided that the benefits far outweighed the risks, so we had them clip both ties. It’s helped a TON. Going SO much better.

This girl, y’all. She sleeps. And her big brother didn’t, so we weren’t used to this! We even called the pediatrician to check if it was normal. He said, ‘um, yes.’ =) She sleeps 3-4hrs at night, and 2-3hrs during the day. She’s like this squishy delicious sleepy dreamy newborn.

My little lover doesn’t just cry to cry. There’s always a reason – diaper, hunger, overtired or cold seem to be her biggest triggers. She’s mostly a content, peaceful and happy baby.


And she smiles – big and huge, eyes crinkling closed, just like her mama.

We are so very grateful for this little sweet love. And her big brother adores her too; he is so proud when he helps or loves her. Yesterday Husby was holding Josie, and Sam boy held Josie’s hand while they all walked upstairs. He was beaming and my heart blew up a little. Which is a regular happening these days.

-Anna {girl with blog + babies}


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