Linking up again with Five Minute Friday at the lovely Lisa-Jo Baker‘s.The rules: write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.Hop over to her place to find out the full scoop behind FMF, and to visit other posts that were freely written in just five minutes.
This weeks prompt: WORSHIP
In the car.
In the shower.
In the sanctuary of my kitchen.
In these places, I lift my hands to songs of worship. We go to church, a part of the family of Christ, a member in the body of believers.
But when my tiny Boy raises his hands to pray – before a meal, during a meal, in his crib – and says, ‘God?’… that is my worship moment. In his teeny body, His spirit is huge. I never really thought it thru, that God would truly inhabit such a little person.
My boss talks about upside down mentoring; how she learns from me instead of just me learning from her. That we can learn from the bottom up, that ones younger than us can teach us the most.
And I am learning to worship from the one who calls me mommy.
**an extra short five minutes this week, as I’m writing on my phone while laying in bed! ha! Happy Friday, friends =)
{girl with blog}
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Glad to be neighbors with you today friend! I love how you share about your sweet little boy and his big love for our big God. I have tears in my eyes just thinking how his faith is just what Jesus talked about
I love this…yes. When I hear my girl sing and praise Jesus, my heart just explodes. So true that our littles teach us so much about joyful, true worship. 🙂 Happy Friday to you, sweet friend!
So so sweet Anna! It’s very touching when our children worship in those free moments when they don’t care who is watching. Just lovely!
This is so precious! I love seeing our kids fold their hands and say “mamen” for the first time 😉 They do teach us much, don’t they? The other day this week my son said “Mom! There’s God!” He was pointing out the window into the sky. I don’t know what he saw or thought he saw, but later that day when I was driving home for lunch, ugly-crying and feeling so homesick for my husband, I glanced at the passenger seat and could feel Jesus sitting there with me, and I thought, God is here, just like my son said. Love you, Anna!!! Thanks for all that you do – love reading your posts 🙂
Just yes… to all of this just yes! So beautiful friend truly!
what a beautiful thought…you learning to worship from your little one…so true 🙂
Beautiful 🙂 Madi folds her hands and says “amen?” and waits for us to pray before meals – something we never really did before. She is teaching us.
Oh so true. I can’t believe the things I’ve learned about worship and Christianity from being a parent!
Such a beautiful post, Anna! They do teach us <3
Oh yes, it’s wonderful to hear our littles find their own voice for worship and praise.
Yes, this. I’m humbled when my daughter wants to pray. I need to remind myself to worship more, in every moment and just not at church.
I love to hear my children (not so young anymore), pray and worship Jesus! There is nothing like the sounds of their voices sharing their love for Him!
Yes, the prayers and songs of little ones. My heart just overflows to hear them. {There are too many dinners and bedtime prayers that bring tears to my eyes. What a blessing.}
Awe, love this. It’s amazing how much the little ones teach us, isn’t it? I wonder as I watch my babe sleep if he’s dreaming of heaven, and I hope he is! Beautiful post, friend!
I learn from my little guy too as He learns to worship. Our kiddos are so precious and how God teaches us through them is precious too. Loved reading this. Bless you! 🙂
It’s a lovely thing to learn from a child! I had the joy of teaching four year olds at church all last year and went home each week with a full heart. Embrace your worship moments!
Yes, I know this lesson well. I am learning from my wee girl all the time and it stuns me each every time. You my friend are a light and I’m so glad I get to do life alongside you across the miles.
My two kiddos are not so little anymore but they have and stil are teaching me what it means to truly be a follower of Christ.
funny you mention that upside down mentoring…I just had that convo with a few women this week. That we are always Titus women to someone above and below. I love your post FMF friend Hugs!