Linking up again with Five Minute Friday at the wonderful Lisa-Jo Baker‘s.
The rules: write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
Hop over to her place to find out the full scoop behind FMF, and to visit other posts that were freely written in just five minutes.

This weeks prompt: BEAUTIFUL


What a word. It’s loaded, really. Those letters can make or break someone. Books and songs and movies have been written on that one word, and here we are for five sweet minutes. Uffda. =)

There are images that my heart conjures when I hear that word. My wedding day. Husby’s eyes. Our sons smile, toes, elbow dimples. The trees in the back, rustling with the wind. The dock at the bible camp where I fell in love with beauty Himself. Leaves of scarlet, crunching underfoot. Glistening snow, untouched yet by footprints.

These speak beauty to me, yet I want to speak beauty to you. I want to tell you that you are just that – beautiful.


You with the stretch marks. You with the scars. You with the untold, hiding deep. You with the poufy hair. You without the new clothes.

You are beautiful.

Because when He looks at you through the lens of His son, He sees it. He sees the Beloved and beautiful you.


ps- I’m writing this on my phone, in the car! It’s a whole new level of blogging! =)
Five Minute Friday

{girl with blog}

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