One year ago today we dedicated our sweet baby boy to the Lord, baptizing him in front of our home church, family & friends.

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His godparents had been carefully chosen and prayed over, and they’re wonderful people who will remain in his life for all of it. We gathered in our home, all of our family and friends in one space, eating and cooing over my baby and loving us all. Helping to slice buns, running out to buy mustard, serving us in so many ways. Laughing, opening gifts, writing my son letters on his baptism day.

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Parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, aunts & uncles and a great-aunt, godparents… our whole family.
Except for my brother & sister in law, who didn’t end up in any photos =(

Today my little Boy has a fever, the first he’s gotten. He’s been fighting it since Sunday evening, and the poor thing is miserable. We spent the day snuggled up in an armchair watching PBS kids shows on the iPad. When his daddy got home from work I ran to Target and bought a few on-sale clothes (18 & 24mo to wear now, and 3T for next winter. My word…), infant Tylenol, and a little Valentines plate and bowl set for him. Also paper towel, laundry detergent and apple juice. Normal stuff.

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he hasn’t worn pants in two days. poor thing is warm to the touch.

I stopped at a local ice cream shop, and later The Boy had his first bites of cake batter ice cream. He hasn’t wanted to eat all day, but that? He was a big fan =) I nursed the Boy, then his daddy took him up and laid him in the crib we bought on my due date. We said prayers and ended his day, until a few minutes ago when he needed a diaper change and ended up on the couch w/us for a few. Just another day made up of lovely little extraordinary moments.

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late night couch snuggles

Happy baptismal birthday, my son. We love you and trust what God has for you, because special and precious as you are to us, you and your everyday moments matter even more to Him.


{girl with blog}

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