Last week a recipe appeared in my reader that almost spoke to me. White chocolate, mint m&m’s, sprinkles… I had to have it. So like any good 40 week pregnant girl, I sent my sweet Husby to the craft store for peppermint melts =) They didn’t have any, so I ended up using regular vanilla melts and adding peppermint extract.

It is SO good!!

Peppermint Popcorn Crunch at

Peppermint Popcorn Crunch
adapted from this recipe by Bake at 350

2 bags microwave popcorn
1 bag vanilla candy melts*
1/4 tsp peppermint extract (not peppermint oil!)
1 tbs vegetable oil
1 bag mint M&M’s
Christmas sprinkles

Pop the popcorn as directed. Pour onto a rimmed cookie sheet. Remove as many un-popped kernels as you can, then pour popcorn into large bowl. In a glass bowl, melt the candy melts for 1 minute, then for 30-second intervals, stirring between each time until melted. Stir in vegetable oil and peppermint extract. Pour over the popcorn and mix (it’s messy but best to dig in with your hands!). Add the mint M&M’s (I usually use about a bag and a half) and Christmas sprinkles. Toss everything together (again, with your hands!). Spread the mixture out on wax paper and leave it until it’s cool and not melty anymore.


Peppermint Popcorn Crunch at

If you’re feeling generous, put a scoop of popcorn in a little bag, tie with a ribbon and bring to a friend. But if you eat the whole batch yourself, I won’t judge. Either way, enjoy!


*You may use peppermint candy melts instead of vanilla – just omit the peppermint extract.

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