It’s been a month for the books, friends. My calendar said July was going to roar in with a great ‘whooooosh’ and swoop out just as quickly, but bobbing along in its tide has still been a surprise.
We spent our annual weekend at family camp and as usual, it was wonderful. Intergenerational families, an epic snack table, latenight movies, lake swimming and bunk beds… Pure summer magic.
This baby girl of mine turned EIGHT months old. I mean. Wasn’t I just waddling around, laying on the couch in pain and letting Daniel Tiger parent my two kids? And now she’s crawling and using her two little teeth to eat actual food. Actually, she’s my earliest crawler, best sleeper, and by far the earliest weaned (on her own. The bottle is faster and more effective so that is her preference, which she has made known for months by biting and slurping herself off. Between that and several bouts of yeast, I should’ve figured it was coming, but it was still a sad day.) She’s sweet and agreeable, stealthy and a little sneaky, completely adored by her siblings and willing to acquiesce to their plans. God bless the third children.

raising the next generation of entire face smilers.

While on a work trip, my family put her in the stroller to eat with a potholder for a bib. This is how she felt about it. #idiedlaughing
We got an offer on our house. An offer! A decent one! After a year! And we said yes. So now we wait. Wait for the inspection. Wait for the results. Wait for the counter. Wait for the contractors. Wait to find the next house. Wait for closing(s). Wait… and pack. And I’d welcome any advice you can give me on moving and transient living with three kids age 4 and under.
I went on my third annual retreat with my (in)courage gals. We had ourselves a regular girls weekend at the beach, with plenty of sunshine and sand, seafood and shopping, shop talk and soul care. I needed the time, the vacation and the company more than I knew.
And then in the cracks of these busy summer days, I wrote.
- I wrote a post at my friend Lisa-Jo’s about the weekly real mom confessions we share on Facebook.
- I wrote at the DaySpring blog, sharing a prayer for your family vacation .
- I wrote over at (in)courage about the world of difference that one letter makes.
- And I’m working on something so exciting, so heartbeat-quickening, so WHAT that I just can’t wait to tell you about. Sorry for the teaser, but OH MAN it’s going to be fun!
Didn’t I tell you it’d been a month? And it’s not even over yet. Good grief. One for the books, I tell you. How’s your July been going? I hope it’s been lovely, and I’d love to hear your stories.
I missed you at Declare Conference this year but I am so happy you were able to get away for the in-Courage retreat. I can’t believe your baby girl is 8 month old already! The potholder pic was too cute.