She’s here. Born three weeks early on November 10th, weighing 7lbs 15 oz (just like her big sister).

Clara Grace.

Our precious daughter.


After 15 hours of labor (I can’t wait to share her birth story with you!) she came quietly but fiercely into our arms. Her big brother and sister were thrilled to meet her:


…and big brother asked to hold her right away. Which melted my heart into a big pile of mama mush.


She is calm and sweet, loves to nurse and sleep (and does both like a champ), and we’re not quite sure what we did before she was in the family.

I’ve started my maternity leave early, as again she was three weeks on the early side, so we’re spending our days decorating for Christmas, loving up our big kids, and snuggling baby girl. We welcome your prayers as we transition to a family of five – !!! – and try to make the spirits of our big kids bright. They’ve been amazing, but have absolutely had their moments too. And pray strength for my husband? He’s been a rock. Today alone, he bought breast pads, Tucks pads and maxipads, set up my new breastpump, wiped various peoples bodily fluids up off the bathroom floor, brought three kids to the doctor (Clara had a blood draw), and is right now at church with the two bigs. He’s a rock, I tell you. And pray for my healing? Clara’s delivery was amazing and smooth, but I’m still pretty sore a week later and those nasty hemorrhoids have emerged. Good grief those things are wicked. But that girl is worth every single pain and difficult month and all of it because it was HER.

Goodness abounds.

‘The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy!
Psalm 126:3

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Anna Rendell
DaySpring New Fall Magazine