Last week on Facebook I saw a picture that you’ve all probably seen too: someone sitting by a pool, book in hand, toes against blue water, and captioned ‘self care’.
I straight laughed, because earlier that SAME day I’d had my 21 week OB visit. It was our long ultrasound, about an hour, and the whole thing was wonderful. The part that made me laugh, though, was that on the drive home I told my husband that it had felt like a break. And that it’s probably not healthy when a visit to the OB passes for self care.
Spa days aren’t in our budget. If I go to the pool it’s with an eleventysix pound diaper bag and I never, ever sit down, much less crack a book. Our church’s parents night out program is on hiatus for the summer, so we’ve been on exactly one date since April (a makeup anniversary dinner) I’m going to a conference this weekend and that will be my big self-care vacation, but I’m learning that self-care doesn’t need to be a big huge deal. I’m learning to care for myself in small, everyday ways, and let them be enough.
A couple weeks ago I gathered with the other (in)courage writers for a weekend retreat. I’d packed some of my favorite outfits, the ones that feel like a second skin because I’m that comfortable with who I am while wearing them. I’d packed pretty necklaces and strappy sandals and dangly earrings – all things my daily work-at-home and parent-small-children attire doesn’t allow or call for. And as I slipped those earrings my my ears, slid my feet into leather sandals, and brushed my hair until it shone, I reclaimed a little piece of my heart.
Those earrings made me stand a little taller. When they brushed against my neck I felt a little more like the woman I am under the cracker crumbs and work deadlines, the woman I was before I was also a mother and employee. Those earrings felt like self care.
Today I worked for hours at a coffee shop. To start the day, I ordered a decaf iced latte with a half shot of vanilla {my favorite summer drink. What’s yours?} After hours of sitting, eyes glued to the screen, I stood. I stretched. I went to the bathroom. I bought a yogurt with granola and an iced tea, and realized I was taking care of myself. In those small actions, even though I wanted to plug away and continue working at warp speed, I needed the break and allowed space for it.
The iced, unsweetened, black mango tea was just what I needed. Cold, refreshing, sugarless and a little caffeine. I stuck with a small size, and as the water beads ran down the side onto my hands, God was caring for and about me.
I’m realizing the value in, and learning to embrace, small self care. The little things that work into my everyday to give me pause, refreshment, beauty.
Earrings. Iced tea. An extra moment in the driveway after a meeting. A break while at my desk to write a card to a friend. My favorite gum, bought in the grocery checkout. Using an hour of my precious babysitter time to get a haircut, run an errand alone, listen to trashy pop culture talk radio in my car. A good meal, full of vegetables and fresh berries and grilled protein. Texting a friend just to say hi. Opening the Bible or She Reads Truth app first on my phone in the morning. Reading a real, live paper book before bed.
Before I had 2.5 children, my pictures of self care looked a lot like the one I saw on Facebook. But these days, the images of self care in my life are much simpler, much more everyday, much more fit in the cracks of my chaos. This is what works for me and this is how God is gently reminding me of who I am, of how He cares amidst my chaos too.
What are your simple, everyday ways to care for yourself?
{{SALE NOW OVER}} On another note, the $5 DaySpring sale kicked off today and oh my WORD, it’s a good one. I’ve knocked off birthdays, Christmas, childcare workers, MOPS steering team members (act surprised, ok friends?) I love that I can give beautiful, meaningful gifts to my friends & family, and not break our budget. There are 30 items, originally priced between $10-$40, and they’re all marked down to $5 bucks. The sale ends Sunday but if you see something you like grab it, because stuff will sell out quickly.
These are a few of my favorite items that are included in this sale:
Daily Grace butter dish: originally $25 {these are our dishes!}
Everlasting Light Orion necklace: originally $40
Let Your Light Shine mug: originally $9.99
7: an experimental mutiny against excess {careful, this book could wreck you and change your life.} originally $14.99
Each of these items (plus 26 more) are marked to just 5 buckaroos. Go shop, then be sure to come back and tell me what you got! Happy shopping, friends.
Take care of yourself today.
affiliate links used above.
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Yes, Anna, please take care of your beautiful soul. We need you and your words of gold.
That is the kindest comment that I’ve seen in a long time. Tina, thank you.
Your small self care reminds me of the post I wrote recently about a little bit of fabulous. We DO need these things, friend! Glad you’re taking care of yourself, one small step at a time! xoxo
It’s amazing how hard it is to stop and do the little things! So very, very guilty of this!
Anna – I think too much is made of the “spa moments.” I’m a homebody I guess…but turning the TV on to Property Brothers via Netflix (in the middle of the day!) to fold a huge pile of laundry is really a wonderful luxury. When I think about it, checking in with dear friends via FB and fixing myself a cup of cold brew coffee from the fridge (made by my hubby for me) makes me happy. And giving yourself permission to enjoy the life that you have (right now) is important. We forget that we are making choices all the time so if we leave the dishes in the sink we feel guilty…but instead we should celebrate that we have the freedom to do that when we need a break! I agree with you about dangly earrings, but I also love hearing my noisy bracelets!
Yes! I have 5 children and I can end up feeling so guilty about asking my husband for a night at Starbucks to myself to get some writing time in. But after I go and come back home, I am so refreshed and full. I’m thankful for a husband who encourages me to do take some time to myself and I think I need to be better at taking it. Thanks for this beautiful and gentle reminder. Oh and also, mango black iced tea is so delish!!