That picture still makes me laugh every time I see it. You know what else makes me smile? The graphics you all make for your Real Mom Confessions posts! They are amazing! You mamas are the best.
Well shall we? I’ve started a note on my phone that I use to jot down any RMCs that happen so I don’t forget them, because mamas brain ain’t what it used to be. Can you guess from my notes what made the list this week? (they’re some of my best, if I do say so myself. Which isn’t saying much.)
There’s your preview. Now for the full stories:
1. Our laundry. For the last three weeks, nearly ALL of our clean clothes have been piled in front of the hearth downstairs. We literally sent Sam in to find his own underwear. One day he dove on top of the pile, started flailing his arms and said, “I a fish! I swimming in the clothes!” Friends, there’s so much laundry that my 3yo pretended to swim in it.
2. We were at my mother’s house the other day, and Sam sat at her desk to ‘work’. Suddenly I heard Husby say, “Oh Sam, that’s not chapstick. Honey…” and it was a GLUE STICK. My son used a GLUE STICK to coat his LIPS. It was Elmers school glue, non toxic, but it was PURPLE and it was still glue.
3. Today I’m wearing the same shirt I both wore yesterday and slept in. I put a new hoodie over it and am now out in public wearing a covered up stinky shirt.
4. For the last three days we’ve been using a box of Kleenex next to the toilet instead of toilet paper, because I haven’t made the trip downstairs to restock the roll.
5. I saved the best for last. I did share this on Facebook already but HAD to include it here too. Last week, I was getting myself and the kids ready to go somewhere. Sam asked if he could head out to hte car in the garage, and I said yes. Out he went, and I was picking up Josie and our bags when I realized that I hadn’t opened the door to the van for Sam. Calling his name into silence, I dropped everything (except Josie. I set her down gently.) and ran outside, where I found my three year old boy in our yard, pants down around his ankles, PEEING ON THE TREE. I laughcried right then, because it was hysterical BUT we live on a busy road and he’d run into the unfenced yard alone! It prompted a good talk about boundaries, but oh my WORD.
And there you have it. Going first with my real and hoping you join me too, because mamas, we need each other and we need each others stories. Join the link-up with your own confessions, share this post with your MOPS group or mom friends using the buttons below, and ooh! Don’t forget to get your FREE Mrs. Meyers handsoap and $10 store credit! And hang in there. We – you – are doing our very best with these tiny people, our biggest gifts.
I love that you are keeping notes on your phone. I am literally writing my posts throughout the happens, I start the post and keep adding to it! 😉 But the notes idea is great!!
Oh, you should see all the notes I write myself on my phone …