I wasn’t sure I’d have a word for this new year. My words had found me by January 1st in 2013 and again in 2014, but this year I was coming up dry. Several swirled around my head but not one settled into my heart.

Until last Friday.

On Fridays, we like to have ‘Friday Night Fun’, whether a movie night at home, a meal out, or running errands. Because it’s all in how you sell it 😉 Last Friday we piled into the car and headed out for errand night, starting with a stop at the gas station (gas is $1.87 here in Minnesota. $1.87!! We filled up for $19! Glory be.) In the backseat the toddler boy was singing and ‘helping’ his toy guys look out the window, and his baby sister was squawking a bit. Husby ran inside the station to get a bottle of wiper fluid and I was dinking around on Instagram. I like to join the Friday Introductions party over there, and the question they asked that day was about our one words for the year. I was thinking and praying amidst the din of the car, which was so full of love and joy and miracles and noise, and suddenly, softly, there it landed. My one word for 2015.

#oneword365: embrace | girlwithblog.com


I want to physically embrace my family more often. I want to embrace this season of the sacrificial kind of love that comes with mothering small children. I want to embrace my at home days and my working ones and the days that are both. Embrace my jean size. Embrace my love of wellness and food and books and good music. Embrace the things about myself that I’ve fought and staved off. Embrace the same about and in others.


Instead of making excuses for this and that, instead of living with the things I don’t love, I want to embrace my home and continue to truly make it ours, a haven, a place of welcome. Rather than get fussy and perfection-driven, I want to broadly and boldly embrace the company kept within the walls of my home. Instead of ignoring my past and leaving it voiceless, I want to embrace it and where it’s brought me. Rather than fighting the hard things, the uncomfortable, the soul-pinchy, I want to embrace them and the things they’re leading towards.

I want to embrace all of it – the good, the bad, the joyful and the painfilled.


Do you have a word for 2015? I’d love to hear it!

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Anna Rendell
#oneword365: embrace | girlwithblog.com
DaySpring New Fall Magazine