… Husby! =) He wrote this for our monthly feature on the Vibrant Faith @ Home blog, and I loved it. So I’m sharing a bit of it with you here. His words were a balm for me, as this month I’ve wanted nothing more than to cancel life and steep in Advent but it’s like life just keeps going. Sigh. I’ve never had a season like this one of my life before, where I’ve had to take one day at a time because I simply can’t cram another thing into each one. It’s weary-ing, but full, and Husbys words grounded me for a moment. I hope they do the same for you now.
We love Christmas in our house. We. Love. It.

A couple of Christmases ago we stepped back after we unloaded the bins of Christmas decorations, and realized Christmas had “thrown up” in our house. Don’t get us wrong, we love Christmas, but this was too much. We realized there was no space in between one decorated area and another.

It’s the empty space in between the celebrations, the ornaments, and the decorations, for their light to shine.

It takes some open space, nothing in it, for those beautiful things to be properly highlighted and enjoyed. That empty, the visually quiet space, is called peace. And that’s a big part of what Christmas is about.

That’s what happened Christmas night. It started with a stressful and deeply chaotic attempt to find a place to have the baby. He invented time, and it was time. Just after there was what might be the most intense display of the contents of heaven shown on earth as angels filled the sky and sang in full belt. In between, The Baby was born. The birth itself was not peaceful, any women whose given birth will tell you, but in some of the moments after, there was quiet. There was peace…
Click thru to read the rest – and prayers for a white-space filled Advent to you & yours.
-Anna & Husby
{girl with blog}

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Anna Rendell
DaySpring New Fall Magazine