I’ve realized this week that I’ve been slowly chipping away at reaching my  OneWord365 for 2013, but haven’t done even one update. Oops =) The word I chose for my year was ‘soft’, and though I haven’t done an official update it’s not been far from my mind. Ever. It’s shifted and changed and looked different than I thought it would, and I’ve loved the journey. Here’s a glimpse into it:

  • A lot (LOT) of bloggers have been busy preparing for and participating in the Nester’s 31 Days series. It’s a commitment to write on a certain topic (of your choosing) everyday in October. I think I tried it once. =) As with many other good things, when I see tweets about it and people excited about it, I want to try it again. But this year I didn’t even entertain the thought. Chances are I won’t even ready any of the blogs participating (sorry if you’re one of them!!) I am just out of time and room for more of anything, and I have zero guilt over it. Instead of making more room, I’m doing what needs doing with the room I have. And I’m not overextended; rather, I’m excited when I look at my planner and computer because they’re full of only things I love.
  • My house has two spicy scented candles out for fall, and that is the extent of my decorating. This, from a girl with two tubs full of autumn decor. But I have zero guilt over it, because instead of spending time decorating (which is so worth it, please don’t get me wrong. I’m still going to do it too – just not sure when) I’ve spent time watching movies with Husby, going to bed early, and even reading a little. Like a real book. Just for fun. I love a fall-ified home, but my priorities have shifted this season and grace has been offered.
  • There are many friends of mine who are working on their bodies – losing weight, getting fit, eating clean, dieting, and the like. I mentioned that we’d changed several of our poor eating habits, and we’ve stuck to that. However, my brain is in a different place with my body. I’m no longer worried about it’s extra softness, the size of my jeans, about the stretch marks that crisscross my stomach, about the white vanilla mocha I’m drinking. Treats are a treat again, and they don’t include guilt – just satisfaction. This is a big deal for me, and marks a new place in my journey to softness.
  • We had a huge garage sale in August, selling clothes that I’d been saving for someday and seven boxes of kitchenwares and soaps I won’t use. There were shoes and jewelery and knickknacks galore. We made nearly $300 then packed up the van with the leftovers, bringing them to Goodwill. And since then, I’ve found even more to let go of. The stuff that once mattered so pales to the richness of the real inhabitants of my home – my sweet boys and our dog =) They’re the real accessories, the real stuff that matters. And reminded me of a commitment to only purchase/keep things in our home that I treasure.

Just a glimpse into where I feel softness settling into my heart. I’ve been praying over my remaining rough edges (’cause there are plenty), asking Him to be sandpaper over them. That’s the hard part, I think, but these other things have been paving the way for their reveal.

Did you choose one word for your 2013? How is it going for you?

{girl with blog}

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Anna Rendell
DaySpring New Fall Magazine