We shared a week together at Bible camp, me a college counselor and she a high school camper. We prayed, drank hot chocolate, stayed up talking into the night, held our hands high in worship, sat in the cool canteen, and played field games. All our activities were threaded together with the love of Christ.

Our faith grew that week as we connected and shared pieces of our hearts. She took home a puzzle piece that I gave her, reminding her that she was one piece in a vast puzzle that – though we’d never see assembled – we knew we were an intrinsic part of. A part of a community bigger than we could literally see.

And without that one piece, there would be a hole. You’ve done a puzzle with a missing piece – the hole it leaves detracts from the bigger picture, right? She mattered to that community, to that puzzle…


You can read the rest of this story on (in)courage today.
Seriously. On the (in)courage main page.

Good grief. #honored #humbled #grateful #ihearthashtags =) And if you’ve popped over from (in)courage, welcome. And thank you. Again with the #honored.

anna <><
{girl with blog}

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