It’s here. Even to the cynics who resist all things pumpkin until it’s under 60* / after school starts / September is over – it’s here for them too. And for us diehard lovers, the ones who listen to October Road year round, whose hearts palpitate for pumpkin spice lattes, those with cinnamon candles lit in June, who rejoice with the first frost.
Autumn has arrived, friends. It’s knocking at our doors, beckoning us with all its cozy, fiery, chilly, glowy glory.
Despite the wonderful arrival, I’m still reveling in our summer. I’m tempted to declare summer 2012 the best of my life. Being a mother and watching your darling babe enjoy the season trumps school breaks, mission trips, sleeping in, staying out late, even camp counselor-ing (and that says a lot). We played hard and thoroughly soaked up the summer, filling our hours with pools and lakes, walks and time in the yard, grilling out and s’mores, vacations and mini-trips, family and friends. Though I’m happy to put the season behind me and shake off the leafy welcome mat to fall, I’ve tucked summer 2012 deep into my heart.
Tomorrow begins October, and also the final week of my 20’s. I turn 30 a week from today. As I let this fact settle a bit, and wonder about the coming years, I find myself turning inward, as my first decade wasn’t really my own, my second was just a little girls, my third was totally self-centered, and my fourth is the first that’s seemed to be mine, in my own skin. Am I glad for my journey this far, happy with the woman I’m becoming? How can I let more of God in? Where will He take us in this next decade? So I’m crunching leaves on walks with The Boy, thinking and dreaming and churning and letting myself feel. Feel hope, feel {a little} anxiety, feel grateful, feel humbled, feel good. Fall brings my introverted homebodied self out in the open, and with the turn of another decade it’s even more concentrated.
So this season I open. My heart, my calendar, my mouth, my phone book, my home, my Bible, dusty corners of my soul. I usher in the autumn and fall into all it offers – a clean slate, a quiet but fiery beauty, a cozy place to be honest, a chill in the air perfect for handholding, fresh mercy, new grace, a toddling baby Boy, and pumpkin in all things =)
How will you (or have you already) welcome(d) fall, and all that it brings?
{girl with blog}
{girl with blog}
Anna, this is so beautiful. Makes even super-extroverted me want to turn inward, listen in the quiet. I’ve got an apple candle, nestled in a jar full of (real) orange and red leaves & acorns burning here. And I’m trying to set my house in order, get used to having a kid in school (she loves it, I’m missing her like crazy!) and settle this heart. Thank you for this tonight.
I welcomed fall by decorating our home and making our first fall crock pot meal of the season. Our home smelled of savory beef, apples, sweet potatoes and cinnamon. Yum!
Your post is such a great reminder to do more than just wish for the change in the weather, but to also listen to what God has for me this season and into next year.