After Sam was here and we snuggled and cried and rejoiced, and the nurses said he was perfect and healthy, the mama repair began.
I hadn’t had any pain meds during labor and delivery, so when the doctor said I needed plenty of stitches I asked for medicine =) They gave me a blessed injection of Fentanol (sp?), which totally took the edge off the pain of the exam, fundal massage and stitches. I tore internally and externally, so the repairs took awhile.
In the meantime, gazing at my perfect boy was the best pain medicine in the whole world.
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faceplant into mommy |
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smooches. |
It’s been a slow-feeling recovery. I’m tired, and so sore… I have only worn jeans one time, and there’s a reason for that. I’m living in sweatpants. Outings are one-stop (the pediatrician, Target, Walgreens, and one visit to Hallmark), and short. I’m still taking the hospital dosage of advil, supplementing with tylenol, icing daily, and using tucks pads like there’s no tomorrow. A few of my friends who’ve had babies recently seem to be healing SO much faster than I am, and it’s hard for me to see that when the only comfy seat in the house is still the couch. I know I have lots of stitches and I’ll heal in time. I have to keep reminding myself – 14 inch head… =)
{girl with blog}
Oh Anna. I love your story. I am so happy for you and your husband. Samuel is such a beautiful gift from God.
You will heal in time. I know it’s painful now, but knowing he’s here and healthy helps to know all the pain is worth it!
I will be praying for your speedy recovery and continued good health for your baby!
I’ve loved reading these stories Anna – they are so beautifully written. Way to go, momma! Sam is so precious and I can tell you’re loving every minute. I will pray for your continued recovery!
It’s so crazy how every birth story is so different! I loved reading yours 🙂 I hope that your lady parts become less painful for you soon, friend! (Hmmm… does that sound weird?)
PS I loved Fentanol. I was had it during my delivery and it made me feel kind of drunk… but def took the edge off. The nurses called it the tequila drug. haha.
You are so strong, Anna!! Sam’s birth story is beautiful. Tearing is no fun at all, and I hope you heal up quickly! (Have you tried soaking in the tub? That’s supposed to help a lot… and a good excuse for a bath!)
My little guy was 14 inch head too! But I had to give in to a C-section to get him into the world. We did the vacuum too and oh his poor little head was sooo beat up. 🙁 My personal opinion is that the first one is the hardest on your body. You will get back to being you! (although slightly altered) I keep telling myself that I’m passing my youth on to each child. 🙂 He is so cute! And you sound so peaceful and content. God is good.
Hey girl – I just got around to reading part 3. The healing was tough for me too. No one ever talks about it, so I had no idea what to expect. Trust me, it does get better, and that coming from someone who just finally started to get back to “normal” 7 weeks after I had my little one (who was 9lbs at birth). It takes time. And patience. And rest. All hard things to do when you have to care for a newborn and do it on little sleep! Praying for you 🙂