Real Mom Confessions: the link-up {week 5}

Real Mom Confessions: the link-up {week 5}

That picture still makes me laugh every time I see it. You know what else makes me smile? The graphics you all make for your Real Mom Confessions posts! They are amazing! You mamas are the best. Well shall we? I’ve started a note on my phone that I use to jot...
Real Mom Confessions: the link-up {week 5}

Real Mom Confessions: the link-up {week 3}

It’s that time again. How has it been a week already?! I swear we live in a baby/toddler time warp. Here’s what we’ve been dealing with around here: We recently moved Sam’s carseat to the back row in the van, to give him more space. During our...

On Real Mom Confessions: a link-up!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing ‘Real Mom Confessions’ on Instagram and Facebook, posting a picture of something from my very real everyday stories and inviting others to chime in with their very real everyday stories too. A few of mine have been: a towering...

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