by Anna | Dec 1, 2019 | lifeblog
With Thanksgiving behind us and the start of Advent today, it’s open season on Christmas. I can’t stop! We’ve been rockin’ Christmas music for weeks, and the decor has started to trickle out of the bins. It really is beginning to feel a lot...
by Anna | Nov 20, 2018 | lifeblog
With Thanksgiving later this week and the start of Advent just around the corner, it’s open season on Christmas. I can’t stop. We’ve been rockin’ Christmas music for weeks, and the decor has started to trickle out of the bins. It really is...
by Anna | Jul 29, 2015 | lifeblog
Last week on Facebook I saw a picture that you’ve all probably seen too: someone sitting by a pool, book in hand, toes against blue water, and captioned ‘self care’. I straight laughed, because earlier that SAME day I’d had my 21 week OB visit....
by Anna | Dec 29, 2014 | at (in)courage
Each day begins white as snow. Each day gives us a do-over. Each and every day starts with fresh mercy and new grace. Guilt doesn’t have to enter the picture. There’s no big party to welcome a new day, no sparkly orb or bands playing, no confetti tossed. New days dawn...
by Anna | Nov 28, 2014 | lifeblog
*affiliate links used below “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are...
by Anna | Nov 14, 2014 | at (in)courage
A couple weeks ago at a conference, one of the keynote speakers was addressing true hospitality when she said something that literally took my breath away. “True hospitality,” she said, “is when your guests leave your home feeling better about...
by Anna | May 3, 2013 | lifeblog
She came from two hours away, knowing no one. She lost her infant son just months ago. His funeral was at this church. Her whole family brought her here, napping in the car while she came inside for an hour. She used to battle addiction. That table of five –...
by Anna | Dec 17, 2012 | lifeblog
because i have no words of my own, i’ll stay in the lowercase of my heart and share the words of others.———- Ann Voskamp: The Truth about Sandy Hook: Where is God When Bad Things Happen? If you read one of these links, make it this one. {on...
by Anna | Jul 27, 2012 | lifeblog
Oh friends. I haven’t been able to stop treading water. I feel like the day has to come when I will maybe kinda sorta have things together, but with such little sleep and such a moving baby… I remain exhausted and just hanging on. BUT, my little baby is a...
by Anna | Apr 30, 2012 | lifeblog
This weekend, I went to a virtual beach house with nearly 30 other women. We savored chocolate cupcakes and drank hot coffee. We put our feet up, scooted together on couches, shared blankets, laughed and cried. ———- Every day, posts from (in)courage...
by Anna | Apr 3, 2012 | Uncategorized
The book sat in my ‘to-read’ pile, first on the nightstand, then on a weathered apple crate beside my old yellow desk. “I’ll get to it soon”, I told myself confidently, ignoring the twitch of my heart; I didn’t really want to get to...