by Anna | Sep 8, 2014 | lifeblog
Our seasons, they are changing, with the dredging out of the slow-cooker and sweaters and temperatures predicted to dip their toes into the 30’s next week. Autumn is barreling down on us, yet I – the girl who abhors heat and humidity and welcomes the...
by Anna | Apr 29, 2014 | lifeblog
Josie Marie Rendell April 22, 2014 9:22pm 7lbs, 15oz 20″ long Our sweet, precious daughter is here and we could not be more in love. Big brother is as smitten as we are. More photos {you can see more here} and stories to come,...
by Anna | Oct 28, 2013 | lifeblog
So. Like a month ago, I was all, ‘The Boy’s going to be a big brother!! K bye.’ And then crickets from me about it. I could tell you it’s been busy, which is true. I could tell you how I got the flu and was in bed for a week, and how I still...
by Anna | Oct 3, 2013 | lifeblog
details: Due in April {Easter week!}. Currently 10w4d and feeling horrible – awful nausea, headaches, and fatigue. I’m on progesterone for a couple more weeks, zofran for the nausea, and extra vitamin D and B6. We’ve had two ultrasounds and both were...
by Anna | May 24, 2012 | lifeblog
I’ve wanted to do a ‘day in the life’ post where I document most of what The Boy and I do over the course of a day. I think would look all chunked together, like this: 4:00 – wake, nurse the Boy, fall back asleep 7:30 – get up, nurse,...
by Anna | Jan 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
that tiny cry. so bitty, so strong, and so loud. sometimes i just cry with him. the only surefire soother is my breast, and he can’t stay there all day (though i think he would, if i let him). the exercise ball works too, but nysse the dog popped it (seriously)....
by Anna | Jan 4, 2012 | lifeblog
**if you missed them, here are parts 1 and part 2** After Sam was here and we snuggled and cried and rejoiced, and the nurses said he was perfect and healthy, the mama repair began.I hadn’t had any pain meds during labor and delivery, so when the doctor said I...
by Anna | Jan 2, 2012 | lifeblog
**part one of the story can be found here** There was a lot of groaning and grunting as I fought pushing. The last centimeter of cervix just refused to efface. My nurse called the doctor, and I knew we were close. I don’t remember the doctor arriving, or the...
by Anna | Dec 29, 2011 | lifeblog
On December 14th, I had been having cramping all day that came with the contractions (I thought they were the same Braxton Hicks I’d had since October). I just felt ‘off’. About 2:30 I called Husby and asked him to come home from work to just be with...
by Anna | Dec 19, 2011 | lifeblog
Samuel RobertDecember 15, 20112:47am8lbs, 2oz22in longLove of my life. -anna{girlwithblog}anna {girl with blog} ———-
by Anna | Dec 14, 2011 | lifeblog
Hi friends! No sweet babe yet… at our doc appt yesterday I was 3cm dilated – good progress over the last week! So we scheduled a ‘just-in-case’ induction for next Tuesday morning. So baby’s birthday will be December 20th or before!! Just...
by Anna | Dec 10, 2011 | lifeblog
Still here. Almost 40 weeks along (39 weeks 5 days today). Hoping this update doesn’t sound whiny, but simply truthful. It’s just not comfortable being this pregnant, which is a good thing – if it were nice and cozy, there would be no drive to get...