by Anna | Oct 18, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
“I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father...
by Anna | Oct 17, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
Our family has been known to give donations as our main gifts to each other, and to our extended family. We try to find organizations and charities that resonate with our receiver. For instance, one year we found an organization that provides horseback riding lessons...
by Anna | Oct 16, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
Every year I fall prey to wrapping paper leftovers. The stuff I don’t really love, that I’m kind of sick of, that’s a little bit crinkled but it’s still good so I have to use it up!! And then I get sad when I see patterns that I love in the...
by Anna | Oct 15, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
I shop for Christmas year round. Call me crazy, but this method saves a TON of last minute hustle when hustling is the very last thing on my wish list. Hunting sales, picking up stocking stuffers from the dollar spot at Target, quietly keeping track of family’s...
by Anna | Oct 14, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season, A Moment of Christmas, recipes
Friends. This recipe, right here, is my secret weapon of recipes. One of those that when she inherits the tattered recipe card it lives on, my daughter will already know by heart. It’s the one I bring to potluck brunches, make on the most special holidays, and...
by Anna | Oct 13, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
I’m a big, BIG fan of all things in jars. Before they were cool we were drinking out of Mason jars at home, using them as vases and votive holders at our pre-Pinterest wedding over 8 years ago, and using them for their intended purpose as storage. I love old...
by Anna | Oct 12, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
Last week I asked our Facebook community for their best tips for a less stress holiday season, and I’m excited to share their answers with you here! Amanda P: Buying gifts in advance, when they’re on sale (but only things your loved ones would truly want)....
by Anna | Oct 11, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
I love, love, LOVE hosting Thanksgiving. I haven’t gotten to host for the last several years, but I still make a full Thanksgiving-ish meal for my own family sometime during the last week of November. I love the planning, the prepping, the cooking, the serving...
by Anna | Oct 10, 2015 | lifeblog
I made this last fall as a craft during a Pinterest night at my church, and oh my – does it ever deliver!! It scented my whole house while simmering on the stove. I can’t wait to get my hands on a bag of fresh cranberries so we can make it again!...
by Anna | Oct 10, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
Something about fall gives me cleaning fever. Also the ‘throw out all the things’ fever. This year will be especially interesting: house formerly on the market + garage full of ‘extra’ things + a 33-week pregnant nesting mama = gear up, Husby....
by Anna | Oct 9, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
Both of my parents are music teachers, my grandma a church organist, all of their siblings in choirs, my mother still a church choir director… You could say music is in my blood. When my husband and I were dating long-distance, music tethered our hearts....
by Anna | Oct 6, 2015 | 31 Days to a Less-Stress Holiday Season
I’m no expert here, but this just makes sense. During October and early November, spend a day or two deep in your kitchen prepping for busy days during the holiday season! Your freezer will be stocked, your budget will be on track (both financially and calorie...