A Moment of Christmas:
25 December Devotions for Moms
It’s my prayer that we moms will make room for the peace and fullness of joy this season is meant to exude. I want my children to see me making room for Him in my inn, even amidst the to-do list.
Whether it’s at the beginning of the day (before kids and life demand) or at the end of a long day before finally collapsing into bed – whenever you take a moment for yourself, I pray you allow the peace of the season to wash over you.
Pumpkin Spice For Your Soul:
25 Devotions for Autumn
Autumn is the perfect time to take back the reins of our self-care intentions. To pause and actually care for ourselves, spending time focusing on that which truly fills our hearts and cares for our souls.
Each day includes Scripture, devotions, prayer, reflection questions to ponder throughout your day, and an “extra shot” — inspiring quotes, recipes, and fun autumn ideas — like espresso for your soul! You'll also find lined pages for your own autumn reflections, nine of Anna's favorite autumn recipes, and and a bonus devotion for the start of Advent.
It's my prayer that the pause found on these pages would help you savor this fleeting and favored season.
why I’m counting
I have a tendency toward melancholy. Staying indoors, overcast days, mid-winter bare trees, being quiet... I don't mind these things. They make me cozy and calm. Because I know this about myself, when I was pregnant I asked my husband to keep an eye on me and my...
Vegetables and Other Good Things
Years ago, my husband and I both quit our jobs and moved to live and work at a Bible camp on the prairie of North Dakota. In the end, we knew it wasn't a good fit for us, and we left and returned to the Twin Cities in MN. While there were lots of things that I don't...
on being a parent
I have been a mama to my sweet Samuel for 7 weeks and 2 days (plus there were those 40 weeks of pregnancy...) In that blink of an eye time, I feel like I've learned more than I have throughout my whole entire life, and like I've learned nothing, all at once. The only...
just write: cry.
that tiny cry. so bitty, so strong, and so loud. sometimes i just cry with him. the only surefire soother is my breast, and he can't stay there all day (though i think he would, if i let him). the exercise ball works too, but nysse the dog popped it (seriously). i...
a birth story {part 3}
**if you missed them, here are parts 1 and part 2** After Sam was here and we snuggled and cried and rejoiced, and the nurses said he was perfect and healthy, the mama repair began.I hadn't had any pain meds during labor and delivery, so when the doctor said I needed...
a birth story {part 2}
**part one of the story can be found here** There was a lot of groaning and grunting as I fought pushing. The last centimeter of cervix just refused to efface. My nurse called the doctor, and I knew we were close. I don't remember the doctor arriving, or the second...
a birth story {part 1}
On December 14th, I had been having cramping all day that came with the contractions (I thought they were the same Braxton Hicks I'd had since October). I just felt 'off'. About 2:30 I called Husby and asked him to come home from work to just be with me. It was funny,...
introducing baby r.
Samuel RobertDecember 15, 20112:47am8lbs, 2oz22in longLove of my life. -anna{girlwithblog}anna {girl with blog} ---------- www.twitter.com/anna_r www.facebook.com/girlwithblog www.pinterest.com/anna_r
40+ week update & nursery tour!
Hi friends! No sweet babe yet... at our doc appt yesterday I was 3cm dilated - good progress over the last week! So we scheduled a 'just-in-case' induction for next Tuesday morning. So baby's birthday will be December 20th or before!! Just having an end date makes me...
Peppermint Popcorn Crunch Recipe
Last week a recipe appeared in my reader that almost spoke to me. White chocolate, mint m&m's, sprinkles... I had to have it. So like any good 40 week pregnant girl, I sent my sweet Husby to the craft store for peppermint melts =) They didn't have any, so I ended...
39 weeks!
Still here. Almost 40 weeks along (39 weeks 5 days today). Hoping this update doesn't sound whiny, but simply truthful. It's just not comfortable being this pregnant, which is a good thing - if it were nice and cozy, there would be no drive to get the baby out and I'd...
Thanksgiving: what we fought for.
A baby, growing ounce by ounce in my womb. Stretchies. Not able to breathe deeply. Diapers and blankies and mittens sprawled across the nursery. Varicose veins. Constant stuffy nose. Closets overflowing with tiny clothes. Puffy feet. Carpal tunnel. Painful,...