A Moment of Christmas:
25 December Devotions for Moms
It’s my prayer that we moms will make room for the peace and fullness of joy this season is meant to exude. I want my children to see me making room for Him in my inn, even amidst the to-do list.
Whether it’s at the beginning of the day (before kids and life demand) or at the end of a long day before finally collapsing into bed – whenever you take a moment for yourself, I pray you allow the peace of the season to wash over you.
Pumpkin Spice For Your Soul:
25 Devotions for Autumn
Autumn is the perfect time to take back the reins of our self-care intentions. To pause and actually care for ourselves, spending time focusing on that which truly fills our hearts and cares for our souls.
Each day includes Scripture, devotions, prayer, reflection questions to ponder throughout your day, and an “extra shot” — inspiring quotes, recipes, and fun autumn ideas — like espresso for your soul! You'll also find lined pages for your own autumn reflections, nine of Anna's favorite autumn recipes, and and a bonus devotion for the start of Advent.
It's my prayer that the pause found on these pages would help you savor this fleeting and favored season.
on being happy
I've realized that though balancing work and a house and a super ridiculously active baby who doesn't sleep is the hardest and most exhausting thing I've ever tried to do, I am also the happiest I've ever been. I feel all glowy and lovely and fulfilled and joyful....
on butter and flour
Baking is therapy. Husby knows that a long day = pecan pie, a day rough around the edges = chocolate chip cookies, and if it requires a trip to the fancy carpeted grocery for specialty ingredients, just stay away until I've had a bite. Baking is kind of magical....
on losing my voice
I'm here! I'm fine! I'm alive!I just don't have words or time to think of any.Oh, if you could only read the posts I compose in my head! They're beautiful, well thought out, grammatcally correct, full of passion and meaning and metaphors. But then instead of writing...
on summer weekends
We linger over weekends, soaking in every drop of one another. Suppertime lasts longer when it's eaten slowly on the back porch, baby bellied up to the table, mama and daddy smiling over glasses of lemonade. Through the park we stroll, letting the dog off her leash to...
on sand and thoughts: Sunday Simplicity
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them;they outnumber the grains of sand! psalm 139:17-18 May you feel thought of with joy today. anna {girl with blog} anna {girl with blog} ---------- www.twitter.com/anna_r...
on feelings and sales
Oh friends. I haven't been able to stop treading water. I feel like the day has to come when I will maybe kinda sorta have things together, but with such little sleep and such a moving baby... I remain exhausted and just hanging on. BUT, my little baby is a serious...
on he who is SUCH a boy
Did I tell you that The Boy stands up now? Pulls himself up on whatever's handy and stands, so proud of himself. He used to bounce in that bouncy seat. That bouncy seat was how mama got a shower. Now he uses it to stand up on his own teeny tiny adorable two feet.He...
on overload
I'm here. I'm fine. Well, I'm exhausted and nursing a sick husband back to health and going on five hours of sleep total for the last two days and work is piling up around me and so are the dishes but I have the cutest baby ever, so I just breathe and don't log on for...
on The Christmas Table: Ginger-Panko Fried Chicken
Tonight I made a gigantic mess of the kitchen. GI-GAN-TIC. I made three recipes from two cookbooks, and steamed veggies to make baby food at the same time. On the stove we had fried chicken going, a pot steaming carrots and then apples, cinnamon apples in another pot,...
When Life Hurts Too Much
Loss and grief are familiar emotions to me. As you know, Jared and I have traveled the path of infertility, and through it God is bringing us closer to Him. That's right, I said 'is bringing', not 'brought'. The pain of infertility doesn't stop with a baby. after all,...
Hope for the Weary {new} Mom: chapter 6
This week, June 12-18, I am hosting an online book/Bible study on Hope for the Weary Mom - I'll be posting from one chapter each day from the point of view of the new mom. There is an introduction post with more details here. I would love if you'd join in the daily...
on Hope for the Weary Mom: chapter 5
This week, June 12-18, I am hosting an online book/Bible study on Hope for the Weary Mom - I'll be posting from one chapter each day from the point of view of the new mom. There is an introduction post with more details here. I would love if you'd join in the daily...