A Moment of Christmas:

25 December Devotions for Moms

It’s my prayer that we moms will make room for the peace and fullness of joy this season is meant to exude. I want my children to see me making room for Him in my inn, even amidst the to-do list.

Whether it’s at the beginning of the day (before kids and life demand) or at the end of a long day before finally collapsing into bed – whenever you take a moment for yourself, I pray you allow the peace of the season to wash over you.

Pumpkin Spice For Your Soul:

25 Devotions for Autumn

Autumn is the perfect time to take back the reins of our self-care intentions. To pause and actually care for ourselves, spending time focusing on that which truly fills our hearts and cares for our souls.

Each day includes Scripture, devotions, prayer, reflection questions to ponder throughout your day, and an “extra shot” — inspiring quotes, recipes, and fun autumn ideas — like espresso for your soul! You'll also find lined pages for your own autumn reflections, nine of Anna's favorite autumn recipes, and and a bonus devotion for the start of Advent.

It's my prayer that the pause found on these pages would help you savor this fleeting and favored season. 

On Real Mom Confessions: a link-up!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing ‘Real Mom Confessions’ on Instagram and Facebook, posting a picture of something from my very real everyday stories and inviting others to chime in with their very real everyday stories too. A few of mine have been: a towering...

On Chocolate and the Everyday Kind of Hard Days

Some days are hard. Some days are pretty literally didn't stop moving, chasing after children hard. Some days are boneweary exhausted, didn't drink enough water hard. Some days are work isn't done, riding the hamsterwheel hard. Some days are cry in the shower hard....

on celebrating the everyday

on celebrating the everyday

Last weekend we celebrated Sam's three full weeks of being diaperless. He's amazing, y'all. And we are button-bursting proud of him, so last Sunday we celebrated. Donuts and a trip to the zoo marked the occasion. He had his first corndog, more treats than I care to...

on the shirt that swung open the gate of my heart

on the shirt that swung open the gate of my heart

I got a new sweatshirt in the mail yesterday. It's persimmon (pretty much orange), with quilted sleeves and a big collar and gorgeous fabric and it's overall lovely. I put it on and zipped it up and fell a little bit in love. For a minute I wasn't worried about how...

Just Writing: potty training edition 1

Just Writing: potty training edition 1

Everytime I lose my bloggy-writing mojo, I feel like I have to re-enter with a deep, spiritually significant, poignant comeback post with a beautiful pinnable graphic and scheduled tweets to promote. Our family's coming off a week of awful illness, I'm overwhelmed in...

On Lent and the Ways I Will be Observing It

On Lent and the Ways I Will be Observing It

I've been in a kind of ugly place lately, a place of quiet cynicism and selfishness. I've simultaneously deferred and coveted the spotlight. The chip on my shoulder is breaking off in pieces, the seed of my secret cynic taking root and spreading like ivy on a stone...

On the Lights Across the Pond

On the Lights Across the Pond

  One of these homes backing up to our neighborhood is a Christmas holdout, strings of colored lights lining their deck railing. I love these lights. In the middle of the cold dark nights, they glow. Pacing and swaying with a sleepless baby, they glow. Struck...

On the Grace in Beauty

On the Grace in Beauty

A few weeks ago I got asked when I was due. I smiled and kindly said, I'm not. And you know, my feelings weren't very hurt because frankly, I didn't blame the person who asked because if I'm honest, my belly looks poochy enough to be holding a baby. My belly has...

On the Kind of Friend I Want My Daughter to Have

On the Kind of Friend I Want My Daughter to Have

Last week some friends of mine were talking about their first and second grade daughters, specifically the nitty-gritty of the girls’ friendships. They said their girls will tell them that one day they’re best friends with so-and-so, but the next day they the...

On One Word 2015

On One Word 2015

I wasn't sure I'd have a word for this new year. My words had found me by January 1st in 2013 and again in 2014, but this year I was coming up dry. Several swirled around my head but not one settled into my heart. Until last Friday. On Fridays, we like to have 'Friday...

Meet Anna

Anna E. Rendell: Author, latte lover. Content Marketing Manager at (in)courage by DaySpring. Wife of Jared and mom of four littles. Telling real stories from real life, and encouraging you to find the extra in your ordinary.


The Christmas Couch!

My Favorite Things:

DaySpring New Fall Magazine

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