Hi, I'm Anna.

Minnesota author, mom of 4, latte lover.
Hey friends,
My name is Anna E. Rendell. I’ve been married to Jared for 14 years, and together we parent four little kiddos. We live in the ‘burbs of Minnesota. For a good decade, I shared here on this blog as if you & I were chatting in our backyards, over a picket fence… but now I pretty much only do that over on Instagram. I love: writing, autumn, chocolate, shopping Target clearance, long walks, Christmas, and James Taylor music.

Since 2012 I’ve worked at (in)courage, a DaySpring community, and currently work fulltime from home for DaySpring as a Content Marketing Manager. I’ve worked from home for over a decade, making me uniquely comfortable in this day and age of hybrid work environments. Using my gifts of writing to encourage others and organize projects (yes, it’s a gift!) both for the glory of the Kingdom is a joy.

I’ve written three books, all devotionals for women. I’ve been featured in and contributed to dozens of publications, planners, devotionals, magazines, compilations, and books, and love encouraging women to seek and embrace the extra in their ordinary. 
Being a mom is more wonderful and more difficult than I ever imagined, and so was our journey to our kids. After years of infertility and a traumatic miscarriage, our son was born in 2011! After another long wait and a second miscarriage, our daughter arrived in 2014. With no expectation of conceiving again, our third miracle arrived in 2015 after my hardest pregnancy yet. And in the fall of 2020, we welcomed our fourth baby — the exclamation point of our family. We are so grateful for each of these miracles, and also I don’t sugarcoat the hard moments of parenting. It’s a both/and kind of deal.
Our family loves Jesus. Jared and I are both former youth directors, church and Bible camp staff, and continue to be in ministry occupations. We strive to raise our kids (and help each other) to be more like Him every day.
I’m really glad you’re here.

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